Organization Privacy and Payment Policies

Privacy Policy


All membership mailing lists, rosters, and personal member information and statistics are locally reserved. The Board of Directors, its president, registrar, or treasurer may deem release of reserved information as found to benefit the operations of CIGHA.


Photo Release Policy

All players participating in any activity organized by CIGHA its representatives and employees agree to allow photographs to be taken of them and their property in connection with the above-identified subject. All players authorize CIGHA, its assigns and transferees to copyright, use and publish the same in print and/or electronically. All players that CIGHA may use such photographs of individuals with or without a player’s name for any lawful purpose, including for example such purposes as publicity, illustration, advertising, and Web content. 

Payment Policy

Conditioning Camps, Tryouts and Other Individual Events: All participants in Conditioning Camps, Tryouts or other individual events offered by CIGHA will be required to pay in full at registration.

Travel Teams: Totals will be dues to be paid to the team managers by the data agreed on by each team. Payment due 15 days after bills sent to parents with 5 day grace period. After the 20th day, a 10% late payment fee assessed. After 30 days, child is restricted from ice privileges.

Developmental / House Teams: All players participating in other Developmental, Recreational or House programs within CIGHA will be required to pay in full at registration. 

Unpaid / Past Due Fees: Any player delinquent in paying their dues by the established deadline will be removed the ice. The VP of Finance will notify the team treasurer, and or coach. Payment due 15 days after bills sent to parents with 5 day grace period. After the 20th day, a 10% late payment fee assessed. After 30 days, child is restricted from ice privileges. Once the dues have been paid, the player may return to team play with no disciplinary action for missing practices or games.

Returned Checks: Any Non-Sufficient Funds checks returned by a member's bank may result in a service charge. The VP of Finance will contact the parent(s) of the player and inform them they are not allowed to participate in CIGHA activities until the outstanding dues have been paid. A notification must be sent to the Team Treasurer and Coach. This service fee must be paid as well as the NSF check before the player returning to the ice. Once a member's check has been returned for NSF, all remaining payments must be made via cash, money order, or cashier’s check

Refund Policy

No refund will be made to members of the fee due at registration for the Developmental Hockey (ADM), House League and Travel League Programs.

No refund will be made to members 30 days after the beginning of the Learn-To-Play Hockey (LTP) Program. Requests for refunds prior to 30 days from the beginning of the program must be made in writing to the CIGHA Board of Directors. If written notice is not received within the 30 days, the player will be considered active with all dues and fees payable in full. 

No refund will be made to members for the USA Hockey registration fees.

No refund will be made to members for travel league try-out fees, regardless of whether or not a member plays on a travel team.

No refund will be made to members for conditioning camp fees.

No refund will be made to members for ads and/or sponsorships paid in excess of the annual dues that also exceed the amount of the actual cash outlay by the member.

No refund will be made for advertisement or business sponsorship monies collected and submitted by members to offset dues or as donations to CIGHA.


No refund will be made to members who are suspended by USA Hockey or any other hockey league affiliation.

Not excluding the above non-refundable fees, If a player is injured for the remainder of the season or re-locates, and has paid more than the above non-refundable fees, a refund will be made in the amount equal to the pro-rated dues times the number of weeks remaining in the season. The effective date of resignation shall be that date the CIGHA Board of Directors receives written notice of such resignation. If no written notice of resignation is received, the player will be considered active with all dues and fees payable in full.

Exceptions to this refund policy must be brought to the Board of Directors for approval. 

USA Hockey Waiver

Central Illinois Girls Hockey Association Inc. (NFP) (CIGHA) is affiliated with USA Hockey. All CIGHA participants must complete a USA Hockey Waiver of Liability each season. The Waiver must be signed by: all players (ages 10 and older), a parent /guardian for all participants under the age of 18, and all coaches and managers. The Waiver of Liability form was acknowledged and electronically signed during USA Hockey registration process. For details of the USA Hockey Waiver of Liability you may reference

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